unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Final Project, Sara

Sara’s Final Playing Card Redesign

Inspired by David Delruelle, King of Clubs
Initially, Delruelle’s work intimidated me, but I found some of his earlier pieces I was able to connect with. I was really drawn towards his color palette and the way his subjects interacted with the colored shapes. I’m really happy that my brother agreed to pose for me and that it turned out the way that it did!

2 thoughts on “Sara’s Final Playing Card Redesign

  1. The picture’s quality doesn’t seem to reflect what how clear it is as an illustrator file… Jason should I email you the file? Or do you have any recommendation for how to make the quality here a bit better?

  2. I think the resolution is fine for onscreen viewing, but you can send the file via email attachment if you’d like.
    Thanks for adding all the artist images!

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