unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

AllisonL, Final Project

Allison L. Card Redesign Trial

The artist I’m working from is Mark Weaver. These are mostly done in photoshop, with some illustrator for the little type I added and also the outlined car. I tried to get the vintage 60s feel of much of Marks work by using a grainy filter as well as tinting the colors. Mark combines mountainous landscape with architecture, so that was a big aspect I’ve been including. I also have one trial including animals/a skull with a human body, because he has many pieces combining human with other mammals heads. T1 – 6 of diamonds. T2 – King of spades. T3 – King of spades. T4 – King of Diamonds

2 thoughts on “Allison L. Card Redesign Trial

  1. These are awesome! Clearly you’re having some with Weaver’s retro-futuristic collage style. I’m curious if you used the match color feature in Photoshop since the landscape colors are dead on with his palette.
    A few minor suggestions:
    In the Elvis piece, scale the figure so that the raised hand isn’t so close to the top. And maybe try scaling the car down a hair so the cab feels more centered. And maybe outline the spade instead of a solid fill.
    The skull piece is great too. The 6/Diamond are just a little crammed in the lower right.
    In the Kong piece maybe try different placement/font or value/texture for the 1933.

  2. I didn’t use the match color feature, although that would’ve been helpful! I just edited through color balance, lowered saturation, and used a sepia filter. Thank you for the suggestions!

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