unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Color, Sara

Sara’s Color Project Trial

Hi Prof. Travers,

Some unfortunate personal matters arose Monday night so I’m sorry for only posting my progress now. I promise I’m still working on this! I’ve ‘finished’ the top right and am only half done with the bottom left. The only aspect I’m truly attached to at this point are the colors but those too can be changed! Again – my apologies for posting my progress so late.

2 thoughts on “Sara’s Color Project Trial

  1. A good palette and I like the economy in the ribbon piece (though it still needs the yellow.)
    Upper right is a little busy, but still well-designed.

  2. I love the ribbon effect you have with the color palette, but to resolve adding the yellow, maybe make it a ‘highlight’ within the ribbon where there would be a sheen to it?

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