unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

2 thoughts on “Allison TV- Soup Trials

  1. I like the composition in #1 & 3 best. I would just replace the lorem ipsum text with something more graphically subtle. I do like the varied scale and leading on the fill type, but perhaps experiment with different letter ordering or repetition.

    I also like the middle design, particularly the quirky little “i”s which gives it a playful quality and human scale. Not quite sure what the guy in the lower left is doing, but they seem interested.

  2. On 1 & 3 I would make sure that the background text continues all the way (the one at the top and the second from the bottom look like there’s some white space right where the Lorem ipsum begins)

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