unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

3 thoughts on “Sherry’s Alphabet Soup Trial

  1. I like that you are utilizing the letters for all aspects but I am confused by the i. I think the range of fonts could be successful if exaggerated more. Compositionally it might be interesting to crop the bottom of the sink so we can only see half.

  2. The pouring/flowing concept has been explored many times (including several of the recent posts.) Your job is to find a new way to make it interesting and compositionally compelling.

  3. Curious behind your reasoning to use lots of different fonts. I don’t dislike the fonts! I would just like to see some visual order established. I’d love to see a drain in the sink for the o. Not sure if the faucet and sink should be grey and the letters black or vice versa

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