unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

3 thoughts on “Kenneth’s Alphabet Soup Trials

  1. I do like the top because it looks like a poster but I agree the bottom is more interesting. If you’re going for the A and B to be falling or about to fall just play around with that more its a fun idea.

  2. #2 is a really nice start! I like the way that the J creates a base for all of these tumbling letters, but i’d like to see it play with gravity (the way the bottom of the j is lower than the top isn’t the way it would naturally rest). Maybe there’s a group of letters holding it up this way, or you could try flipping it upside down. It also doesn’t have to necessarily be a J! It looks like you have a second J in above (in addition to missing a few letters).

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