unofficial blog for courses ARCH243 and ARCH342

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

4 thoughts on “Katerina’s Card Redesign Draft

  1. Remind me which artist you are using. The collage elements could have better color/contrast consistency with the background.
    I think the 4 figures are enough to relate conceptually to the number, so the 4 probably isn’t necessary.

    1. My artist is Beya Khalifa. My design is inspired by her use of mixing black and white aspects with color. Also, I incorporated her fantastical, fun themes.

  2. OK. The b/w images make more sense with her style. Her compositions are bit more dynamic and also use scale in an unusual way, so maybe try a few alternate designs with different concepts since the compositions will be more minimal as far as the number of elements.

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